"Dancing With the Stars" contestant Rumer Willis admitted to Howard Stern during a visit to his Sirius XM radio program that before her mother, Demi Moore, married Ashton Kutcher, she had his poster on her wall. "At some point, I was like, 'Ooh. All right. Well, gotta cross him off the list!" she said with a laugh. "[But] I have to commend him... he was a really great stepfather and the perspective shifted very quickly." Her mom's relationship with Kutcher, to whom she was married from 2005 to 2013, only garnered words of praise from Willis. "I was kind of impressed!" she said. "I was like, 'Yeah, girl! Get it!'"
Willis isn't the first celebrity to admit her star crush. Here are a few others.
Before Gomez co-starred with Crudup in "Rudderless," she really admired him from his past work. "I went through my whole 'Almost Famous' phase where I was Penny Lane for a good month so I wore the outfits and had the hair and the glasses and then I found out I
was going to be a part of this movie and it took me a minute at first because I kind of had a little bit of a crush on him," she admitted to Jimmy Kimmel last year. "He's a great guy."
In real life, Nick Jonas is dating pageant queen Olivia Culpo, but when asked by a Cosmopolitan reporter who his celeb crush was, the singer responded that it was 007 himself, Daniel Craig.
Considered by many to be America's sweetheart, Witherspoon admitted to Conan O'Brien in 2012 that she actually had a bit of a "girl crush" on another beloved star, Jennifer Aniston. "I have lots of girl crushes," she said, naming Rachel Bilson and the former "Friends" star. "Doesn't everybody have a girl crush on Jennifer Aniston? Dogs have a crush on Jennifer Aniston."
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